Electrification - a common parameter for the electrical properties of minerals

The electrical properties of minerals are the basis for electrification. The electrical properties of the two minerals are different and it is possible to conduct electrical selection. The parameters indicating the electrical properties of the mineral mainly include the dielectric constant, electrical conductivity and relative electrical resistance, electrothermal property, specific conductivity and rectification of the mineral.

The dielectric constant is represented by the symbol ε, and the larger ε indicates the better conductivity of the mineral, and vice versa. In general, those with ε > 10~12 or more belong to the conductor and can be separated by the usual high-voltage electrification, and those below this value are difficult to sort by conventional electro-selection.

Generally, the mineral resistance referred to in the electric selection is the resistance when the mineral particle size is d = 1 mm, that is, the ohmic value. When the mineral resistance is less than 106 Ω, it indicates that the conductivity is better, the resistance is greater than 106 Ω and less than 107 Ω, the conductivity is medium, and the resistance is greater than 107 Ω. The conductivity is poor and cannot be separated by conventional electric separation.

The specific conductivity of minerals is the amount that is easy for electrons to flow or flow out of the ore. It is usually expressed by the ratio of the lowest voltage of the electron flow on the ore particles to the lowest voltage of the electrons flowing out on the graphite . The larger the value, the more minerals are made. The higher the voltage flowing out, the worse the conductivity.

Some minerals are only used as conductors when the high voltage electrode is negatively charged, while another pad mineral is only used as a conductor when the high voltage electrode is positively charged, and some minerals can be used as conductors regardless of the positive and negative voltage of the high voltage electrode. The mineral is separated, and this property of minerals is called rectification. The minerals that only get negative electricity are called negative rectification, such as quartz and zircon ; the minerals that only get positive charge are called positive rectification, such as calcite ; whether the electrode is positive or negative, the mineral can obtain electric charge, called full rectification. properties, such as cassiterite, magnetic iron ore.

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