Dongfeng Tianlong is 11 years old.

Today is May 18, 2017, which is Dongfeng Tianlong's 11th birthday. From May 18, 2006, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle launched the new heavy truck platform Dongfeng Tianlong. Today, Tianlong has been with us for eleven years. In the past 11 years, Tianlong has continuously introduced.......

GB6722-1986 blasting safety regulations (1)

In order to protect the safety of people's lives and property, promote the development of production and construction, and prevent blasting accidents. This procedure is specifically formulated.
Except for military blasting works, all personnel, unit.......

Zinc wire replacement precipitation method

The zinc wire replacement process for the recovery of gold from cyanide solution began in 1889. The zinc wire displacement sedimentation tank (Fig. 1) is generally wood, steel or concrete. It is usual.......